Saturday, December 1, 2012

1reasonwhy Movement: ?Enough Is Enough? - Knickerbocker Ledger

A Twitter movement has started to a topic that has festered for far too long. Women have began to share their experience in relation to the denigration of women in the video game industry. Tweets flow in about harassment, cyber bullying, physical groping, and even intimidation to opening up about such topic for fear of being verbally attacked. They irony is even when women whom have dealt with these issues speak up, they are shut down and accused of overrating, complaining while men bringing up the same topic are lauded. The Twitter movement is #1reasonwhy is followed by accounts of many reasons why sexism plagues the video game industry.

There are too many reasons why sexism plagues this industry, but if we don?t allow these topics to be discuss it will continue to fester. Each of these women are speaking up, but what is crucial is the need for support. Simply raising awareness isn?t the only thing female gamers and female gamer advocates can do. How you can help is far more simple and beneficial to the community as a whole. You can first help out but contributing to female gamer website like Girl Gamer Vouge, Girl , and many other female gaming communities on Facebook. Meetups and organizations like NYC Female Gamers Meetup, and Girl Gamers Meetup are always in need of sponsors, volunteers, and guest speakers to help build communities and spread the word. Online and at tournaments, you can stop sexism where is starts; if you hear someone verbally abusing a female gamer stand up against it. Don?t let it continue. With more people standing against sexism you can out weight the odds. It?s as simple as if you see something, say something. If your a video game journalist or YouTube Let?s Player, promote or support this movement. Show your viewers this is an important topic and state you don?t approve of sexism in video games. A little bit goes a long way. Also, this battle goes both way. If your a female and your posting yourself as a ?girl gamer? that is have naked with controllers around your body or calling yourself ?slutty girl gamer? your destroying the image many of these women are fighting to portray. You wanna be sensual, fine, just don?t call yourself a gamer. Many women don?t get that this regresses all the research, protest, argument, and movement that so many women in the gaming industry are trying to change. So do us a favor ladies, cut the crap.

Let?s keep this ball rolling. Let?s make this movement grow and end this once and for all. It can?t be done without support and it won?t be overcome without the help of you, the gamers, to stand and say Enough is Enough.

Narz is writer at Gametyrant and CEO/Founder at Girl Gamer Vogue.


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